Dentists have been struggling for years to help patients conquer fears of coming in for much needed dental services. For some men and women, as little as the sound of a dental drill brings feelings of anxiety and even panic. Racing heart, sweaty palms, body shakes, irregular heartbeat and hot or cold flashes are just some of the symptoms that can happen in an instant when a panic attack happens.
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) brain scans were taken while the researchers played a variety of dental sounds of dental drills and suction instruments. They found that there was marked differences in brain responses between the two groups.
Some say that this finding suggests that with the use of MRI's, dentists may soon be able to uncover specific calming methods for their anxious patients. With the high costs of MRI, and the difficulty in getting anxious people to come to a dental office in the first place, it begs the question of whether this will ever be an effective way to diagnose exact triggers and calming methods for those who have moderate to extreme dental anxieties.
It is estimated that about 10 percent of the general population suffer from severe anxiety about going to the dentist. Many of these men and women put off visits to the dentist until they have a full-blown problem that needs immediate attention. Even then, a good number still avoid going. Dental anxieties can cause overwhelming fears that lead to dental avoidance altogether. This can have devastating consequences, as there is clear evidence that dental problems that are not treated appropriately can lead to a number of serious medical conditions.
Many think that anxiety is caused from a fear of pain, and this may be one of the common fears, although fear of the unknown (i.e. what's going to happen next, what instrument will the dentist use, what if I gag or choke, etc.) is probably just as provoking as "how much will it hurt". The "what-if's" are an anxious person's worst enemy.
Contrary to what many anxious patients believe, pain is actually quite rare in dental surgeries and in many dental procedures. A recent survey by Tickle confirmed this, reporting that, "451 adults visiting dentists in the north-west of England and found that 75% of patients reported no pain at all during their visits. Those having the most invasive procedures, such as tooth extractions and root canal treatment reported some of the higher pain scores, but even many of these claimed to experience no pain at all." While this news should be encouraging to most people, the report concluded, "The strongest predictor of pain during dental procedures was dental anxiety. Anxious patients were four times more likely to experience pain than non-anxious patients."
Dental fears are very real for those who suffer with them. While we have a number of dentists who are sympathetic to dental fears and offer services under the names "gentle" and "calming", it often does not address the anticipatory anxiety that can overwhelm a patient and prevent them from going to any dentist, even one who caters to nervous patients. For anxious patients, the anticipation is often worse than the actual experience, and for these men and women, it needs to be addressed by professionals who know how to help.
The good news is that there are extremely effective methods available right now. The field of anxiety treatment has been much improved with the wider use of cognitive-behavioral methods by qualified mental health experts trained in handling anxiety and phobias. These methods work well with dental anxiety and dental phobias.
Richard C. Raynard, Ph.D., a Licensed Psychologist who has specialized in anxiety and phobias for over 35 years, explains, "Anxious patients are much more likely to perceive pain, even at times when non-painful procedures or simple events such as rinsing the mouth with water occur, because they are already in an anxious state. Their body may be reacting in ways that makes them feel like they are about to die or have no control. It is easy for their anxiety levels to escalate quickly. However, these types of anxieties are very treatable." Even more severely affected phobic individuals can be helped with these methods and go on to successfully, and comfortably, visit their dentists for needed services.
Dr. Bowen - Dental Fallacies Keep Us Fearful And Avoiding The Dentist
Dr. Bowen - Dental Fears "Seen" By Scientists
Andrea L. Algar is a writer and business consultant in San Antonio, Texas. She has worked with healthcare, beauty, automotive, music and other professionals for over 35 years.
Dr. Bowen - Dental Fears "Seen" By Scientists
Andrea L. Algar is a writer and business consultant in San Antonio, Texas. She has worked with healthcare, beauty, automotive, music and other professionals for over 35 years.
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